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A system to

Maximize Your Full Potential.

Research has shown that the majority of recreational golfers miss the green during approach

shots a majority of the time. The fact is that even PGA professionals with all the time they spend

on their game only hit an average of 11.7 green per round which is about 65%.  With our busy

schedules life does not afford most of us with the time to put in the hours of training to keep

our feel around the green. 


That is why having a system is such a valuable of a tool.

ZoneGolf123 incorporates three swing distances that provide consistent results from various

areas or “Zones” you may find yourself around the green.  This concept also helps to develop

the feel and swing control needed for full shots as well.


The swings are called the 1 to 1, 2 to 2 and 3 to 3 swings. These are the basic swings used

from beginners to advanced golfers to master their short game.

Get Results on your Game.


Zone Golf 123

It all started in 2005. I was looking for a consistent way to get results while I was participating on the Michelob Amateur Tour. With a growing family demanding more and more of my time, I had less and less time to devote to practice. After noticing a pattern during practice one day I began to document my results and it was instrumental in me winning player of the year. This insight was the inspiration of what is now called “ZoneGolf123” today.

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step one

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   Use your clubs around the green to execute the swings utilizing 

    the three distinct endpoints in the system and begin to trust it.

step two

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If you are a Beginner, use the Zones outlined in the Beginning section of the Core Concepts Guide.

If you are able to hit it solid most of the time utilize the Intermediate or Advanced

Level sections in the Core Concept Guide and gather your average distances with each club.

Then start developing your own short game distance book.

step three

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Take your information to the course and validate it during your round to 

build confidence around the green. It will become your go to solution while

        you are playing a practice round or for the club championship.

“Applying learned fundamentals of ZoneGolf123 results in positive reinforcement and confidence that carries over from data collection in practice to success through closer proximity to the hole on the course” – Brian T. Burke

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